Tuesday, May 18, 2010

First Cherries of the Year! FINALLY!!!

So I was on my way home from work yesterday and my mom calls me... "I was just looking at the Harmon's ad and they have CHERRIES!" I went speechless! "Are you serious?" I said "Yes" she replied "New Crop Cherries, $3.97 a pound" My heart almost stopped beating, I was SO excited! "Yeah" I exclaimed! And then I remembered I had given Jake my debit card to hold and never got it back... AND I was all out of cash!

As soon as I hung up with her I immediately text Jake and said "Harmon's has CHERRIES on sale. It is EXTREMELY critical that you hurry home so we can go get some! I MUST have them TONIGHT!"

After what felt like an eternity my husband finally got home! We rushed to Harmon's and got my

When I took my first bite, I think I had died and went to heaven! MMMM.... so delicious!

I tried really hard not to eat too many, so I would not get sick. But they were delightful!

I am so glad my mom found them in that ad!

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